Massage Parlours Bickley BR1

It was a hot summer day and I was feeling a bit horny when I decided to drop by to visit the massage parlours in Bickley BR1. I had heard about them before, but never had the chance to visit. When I arrived, I was pleasantly surprised by the lush interior design of the massage parlour. Everything was so tastefully decorated and there was a certain air of luxury that I hadn’t felt before.

I had a quick look around and decided to go for the special sex massage. I had heard good things about it and I was feeling bold enough to try something new. The masseuse welcomed me with a warm smile and showed me to the massage room. She wore a skimpy dress which highlighted her curves and I was a bit aroused just looking at her.

I undressed and lay on the massage table as she began to knead and stretch my tight muscles. She worked her magic and soon I was feeling completely relaxed. She changed her touch and I could sense that something was about to happen. She told me to flip over and I could feel her teasing my body with her fingertips as she gently caressed my skin.

Slowly she began to move her touch lower and lower until she reached my inner thighs. She started to massage them with sensual movements that made me moan. The sensation was strong and I felt my whole body tingling. I was now fully aroused and was no longer able to control myself.

The sex massage was not what I expected, it was much better! She expertly touched me in all the right places, making me quiver with pleasure. I felt like I was in cloud nine and it was an incredible feeling. I felt so alive and I couldn’t remember any time in my life being so aroused.

The massage ended and I thanked the masseuse for the amazing experience. I then asked her if she offered any other services and she said yes. She told me about her other services such as erotic massage, Thai massage, nuru massage and adult massage. I was intrigued and decided to book one of them on the spot.

The next day, I visited the massage parlours again and this time I went for a full body Thai massage. It was just as amazing as the sex massage, but this time I felt like I was getting a real education in the art of massage. She demonstrated different moves and techniques that made my body feel incredibly relaxed.

The massage parlours were a real hit for me and I couldn’t wait to go back for more. I soon found out that they also offered escorts, prostitutes, hookers, sluts, brothels and call girls, as well as milfs, gilfs, mature, anal, GFE, blowjob, hookup and adult dating services. I tried out all of them and I was left feeling satisfied every time.

Massage parlours in Bickley BR1 had well and truly changed my view of massage and sex. It was a real pleasure to visit and I’m grateful for the amazing experiences I had there. I highly recommend them to anyone looking for a naughty, sensual massage!