Massage Parlours Hartshead Green OL6

It was a cold winter night in Hartshead Green and I was feeling a bit down and out of sorts. I was in need of a little pick-me-up, something to bring some life back into me. After a bit of searching online I stumbled upon the website for Massage Parlours Hartshead Green OL6. They advertised all kinds of massage services, from sensual and erotic massage to traditional Thai massage, from nuru massage to the more adult themed services such as escorts, prostitutes, hookers, sluts and call girls.

I decided to take the plunge and book an appointment for the following evening. I was a bit nervous about what I was about to do, but I knew I needed something to take the edge off. So I made the call and made my appointment.

When I arrived at Massage Parlours Hartshead Green OL6, I was met by a warm and friendly receptionist who welcomed me and showed me round the premises. Everything was clean, hygienic and inviting. She asked me if I had any preferences and I said I was looking for a sensual massage and some naughty fun. She smiled knowingly and took me to a private room.

Once inside, she asked me to undress and lay on the bed. She then started to massage me all over, focusing on my back, shoulders and neck. I felt my body start to relax as the warm oiled hands of the masseuse kneaded away my stress and tension.

The massage quickly became more intimate as the masseuse started to caress my legs and buttocks. She moved up to my chest and started to suck on my nipples and tease me with her tongue and hands. I could feel the pleasure increasing and I found myself getting lost in the sensations.

Once I was fully aroused, she started to massage me with her body. She lay on top of me and moved her body against mine in a seductive and erotic way. She gradually increased the intensity of her massage and I could feel my passion building to a climax.

Once I had finished, she asked me if I wanted to try a different type of naughty experience. She explained that she was also an experienced escort and was available for a more intimate encounter. After taking a few moments to consider it, I agreed and we spent the next hour in an intimate and passionate session that left me feeling incredibly satisfied.

When I left Massage Parlours Hartshead Green, I felt totally revitalised and energised. I had experienced something truly special, something that had taken away the stress and given me a much needed boost. I would definitely go back and would highly recommend Massage Parlours Hartshead Green to anyone looking for a sensual and intimate massage experience.