Massage Parlours Whitchurch BS14

It was a hot summer day in Whitchurch BS14 and my stress levels were off the charts. My job had been extremely demanding lately and I needed some time to decompress. After doing some research, I decided to try out the massage parlor located in the area.

After arriving at the massage parlor, I was welcomed with a friendly face and guided to the reception area. A few moments later, I was invited into a dimly lit room containing two sofas and an array of massage oils and scents. The atmosphere was calming and inviting. I chose a scent for my massage and settled into the reclining chair that faced the door.

The massage started off with slow and gentle strokes. They felt soothing and calming, relieving some of the tension from my body. The massage therapist used her hands and upper body to give me an incredibly soothing Swedish massage. As she continued, she gradually increased the intensity of the massage, including hot stones, stretches and kneading of my tired muscles.

As the massage progressed, the therapist seemed to be focusing more on the areas around my lower back and between my legs. She constantly returned to this area, giving me also gentle and suggestive strokes and making sure I felt relaxed and sensual. I had never experienced anything like it before and it felt very pleasing.

After a few moments, the therapist moved down to my feet and calves. I had never considered feet to be particularly sensitive but as the massage therapist probed, I realized I was ridiculously sensitive. With every touch of her fingers, I could feel my entire body shudder in pleasure. As she moved her hands up and down my legs, I could feel the warmth of her hands penetrating my skin, evoking waves of pleasure.

By the time I was done with the massage, I was left feeling thoroughly relaxed. The world felt like a hazy dream and all my anxieties seemed to have lifted. As I got ready to leave, the massage therapist asked if I would like to try out some of their other services. After inquiring, I found out they offer a variety of services such as tantric massage and body-to-body massage.

Intrigued, I decided to book another appointment for the next day. The next day, I was excited to experience something new. Upon entering the massage parlor, the atmosphere was the same but this time I was greeted with a different masseuse. She seemed to be more experienced than the first one and her eyes had a sultry look to them.

As we settled into the room, she began to work her way around my body using all kinds of massage techniques. This time, however, the massage was noticeably more intimate. She slowly caressed my body, her strong hands giving pleasure to every part of me.

With the combination of her gentle touches, sensuous oils and sexy scents, I felt like I was in heaven. Her body was pressed against me and I could feel her warmth and heat, evoking feelings of arousal within me. By the end of the massage, I felt utterly relaxed and aroused.

Throughout the session, the masseuse kept asking if I wanted to try out any of the other services they offer. I decided to try out the hot stone massage and the Nuru body-to-body massage.

The hot stone massage felt amazing. The heat of the stones and the feel of the masseuse’s hands were incredibly sensual and I could feel the stress leaving my body. I was also very surprised at how relaxed and aroused I felt after the Nuru massage. During this massage, the masseuse used aromatic oils and her body to massage me. I felt incredibly connected with her and each touch sent shivers of pleasure throughout my body.

Once the session was over, I felt completely revitalized. I felt loose, relaxed and incredibly sexually satisfied. I left the massage parlor with a spring in my step, feeling like I had just experienced something life changing.

Since then, I have returned to the massage parlor multiple times. Each time, I have felt thoroughly relaxed, sexually satisfied and immensely rejuvenated. I would highly recommend a visit to the massage parlor in Whitchurch BS14 to anyone looking for a sensual and relaxing massage experience.