Massage Parlours Yattendon RG18

Massage Parlours Yattendon RG18

Every night the small town of Yattendon in Berkshire England bustled with activity. People were coming and going in the warm summer air, and the local Massage Parlour, located just off the high street, was no exception. Tonight, however, was particularly special.

For years the establishment had been run by the ever diligent Mrs Smart, a loving and caring woman who had taken great pride in keeping her parlour a place of respectability and calm. She was a kind soul, one who always seemed to know better than anyone else. But that all changed today.

Tonight was the night Mrs Smart decided to retire, and for the first time in years the parlour was about to open its doors to a brand new set of clients. Word had quickly spread around Yattendon, and soon the eager visitors began to arrive. Many of them were men and women looking for a quiet spot to relax, but there were a few faces who were freely manifesting their desires for something altogether more carnal.

Inside the parlour, three masseuses were busy preparing for their first customers of the evening. Laura, an experienced professional with a fondness for exotic massage, was eager to demonstrate her many skills. She had already prepared the massage oil and scented candles, and she had laid out a selection of massage tables, ready to begin the night’s work.

Kelsey was the newest member of the team, and it was clear she was there not just for the money but for the experience. She had always dreamt of becoming a masseuse, ever since she was a young girl, and now that dream was about to be realised. She gave a warm smile as the first couple entered the room, full of anticipation for the night ahead.

Finally there was Amy, a bubbling young woman whose infectious personality quickly put her customers at ease. She took a special pride in her work, and she had no intention of leaving any of her clients unsatisfied. After a few quick instructions, she began working her magic on her first customer, gently massaging his back and neck as he groaned in pleasure.

Soon more people began to arrive and the parlour quickly filled up, the night’s clients all eager to experience the services on offer. Laura set to work exploring her client’s bodies with a combination of gentle strokes, deep tissue massage and delicate sensual caresses, all geared towards providing maximum pleasure and comfort.

Kelsey’s massages were different, focusing more on relaxation than pleasure. She used her hands and her knowledge of anatomy to quell her clients’ anxieties and help them relax, and soon tranquil environments were evident throughout the parlour.

Amy, however, was the star of the show. Her unique blend of strong and gentle techniques made her client’s call out in pleasure and sighs of delight echoed throughout the parlour as customers described their delight. She delivered soft touches, firmer manipulation and pressure points that left even the most difficult clients begging for more.

The night drew to an end and satisfied customers made their way home. As they left, they thanked Mrs Smart for her years of dedicated service, and she thanked them in return for allowing her to retire in comfort.

The parlour remained open, and now, with three talented masseuses on hand, each one providing an experience unlike any other in Yattendon, the Massage Parlours Yattendon RG18 was set to provide its customers with hours of blissful relaxation and pleasure for many years to come.