Massage Parlours Goodmayes IG3

It was a typical day in the seedy massage parlours of Goodmayes, IG3. Little did I know that I was about to experience some of the hottest and most stimulating sex of my life from a massage parlour girl.

The massage parlour was in a run-down neighbourhood, but it still looked inviting. I took a deep breath and stepped inside. The smells of incense and other intoxicants filled the air.

I was greeted by a friendly receptionist who smiled warmly and asked me what type of massage I was looking for. I quickly asked for a sensual massage and before I knew it I was being lead to a private massage room.

The massage room was complete with a bed, candles, and a massage table. The massage therapist, whom I would later learn was named Maria, was an exotic beauty. She was tall and slender with dark hair, smooth tan skin, and an inviting hourglass figure.

She began to undress me and place me on the massage table. She used a variety of techniques to relax and stimulate my body. She used her hands to massage my neck, back, and legs. She used her soft hands to apply oil to my skin and then proceeded to massage me using her body.

At first I was a little apprehensive, but soon her sensual massage techniques were turning me on. She massaged every inch of my body and then moved her body to massage my inner thighs and buttocks. It felt incredibly good and I couldn’t help but start to moan with pleasure.

The next thing I knew she was climbing on top of me and we were having sex. She found all the right spots and moved her body in all the right ways. I was in complete ecstasy. We finished with me on top, and as I came, I knew I had experienced something special.

The experience was unforgettable and I knew I had to come back. Every time I visit the massage parlours, I’m always sure to ask for Maria. She’s the best and I never tire of her amazing talents. So if you ever find yourself in the massage parlours of Goodmayes, IG3, make sure you ask for Maria, you won’t regret it.